X.Q. Deng Presidential Chair Professor
Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fellow of the World Academy of Sciences for the Advancement of Science in Developing Countries, Member of The Hong Kong Academy of Sciences
Email: hncwong@cuhk.edu.cn
Personal Website: https://chem.cuhk.edu.hk/people/academic-staff/wnc/
Presidential Chair Professor
Associate Vice President (Institutional Development), IEEE Fellow, Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher
Email: jianweihuang@cuhk.edu.cn
Personal Website: https://jianwei.cuhk.edu.cn/
Associate Professor
Presidential Young Fellow
Email: ruihuang@cuhk.edu.cn
Personal Website: https://myweb.cuhk.edu.cn/ruihuang
Associate Professor
Presidential Young Fellow
Email: huangchuan@cuhk.edu.cn
Personal Website: https://myweb.cuhk.edu.cn/huangchuan
Assistant Professor
Presidential Young Fellow
Email: hanxiaoguang@cuhk.edu.cn
Personal Website: https://gaplab.cuhk.edu.cn/